Season’s Greetings Everyone!
It’s time once again for another “Virtual Open Mic.” This time we invite you all to participate in our Christmas / Holiday Special. We’re looking for videos to tie-in with a holiday theme, whether it be your favorite Christmas carol or some other type of seasonally appropriate performance. Be original – go crazy!
Once again, you can submit all videos to me directly through WE TRANSFER ( Please submit your videos as follows:
* You can shoot your video using your Smart-phone, Tablet or digital camera and send it to me directly. Please upload your video using WETRANSFER.COM and address it to: In the “message” area please include the name of the person / performer with your contact information. Please also include the name or description of the song being performed.
* If using a phone or a tablet, please make sure that you shoot your video in “LANDSCAPE” or “WIDESCREEN” mode. This is the way that you view your television and movies. We want you guys to look like stars!
* Please introduce yourself and say hello to everyone at the beginning of your video. You can also tell everyone the name of the song that you will be performing.
* please refrain from using any bad language – these videos are for EVERYONE to enjoy.
* Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or need any help. I am here for you.
Thank you again and I’m very much looking forward to your submissions.
All the best,
Jim Pitulski
On behalf of Band Together Pittsburgh